Bed Bug Behavior and Activity: Year-Round Threats | Pest City USA

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Bed Bug Behavior and Activity: Year-Round Threats | Pest City USA

Bed bugs have become probably the most unwanted roommates in our homes with their prevalence across America. Bed bugs are also a type of hardy and resilient insect that can tolerate the wide range of environments including very cold conditions. In this blog, we address a commonly asked question: Do bed bugs stay active year-round in warm climates?

Bed Bug’s Active Season

Although bed bugs are not known for their active season preference and can be found all year round, they are most active in certain geographical locations and some months. The bed bugs, in fact, live off blood meals, and the conditions for their living don’t need to be any specific – food is what they need the most. This difference renders them less season-dependent compared to other pests although that could be affected by external conditions.

Do Environments Affects Bed Bugs?

Contrary to the assumption, bed bugs are actually suspended in a stage of diapause. This is seen in some insects that enter diapause when subjected to extreme and inappropriate temperature ranges for a long time. The bed bugs enter a state of torpor, where their heart beats slow down to a survival mechanism, when the temperature reaches below 60 degree Fahrenheit. While in this dormant stage, bedbugs can live for anywhere between hours without feeding. Hence, the number of bed bugs during winter is low due to the suspended activity as a result of diapause. Nonetheless, home environments are mainly temperature controlled, therefore they desist from diapause due to their comfortable habitat.

Bed Bugs Tend To Move With People

These parasites could find a home in all situations, as they are masters at catching a ride with people and their belongings, being able to move to various locations where they can live throughout the year. Bed bugs can get in your home and hotel room, while you travel and especially during the summer and vacationing or holiday seasons. Bed bugs, even though they can go into a dormant stage at very low temperatures, greatly propensity to travel with people leads to the fact that at any time of the year they can be a problem. In describing their agility and adaptability, the author emphasizes that bed bugs are able to spread fast in very many conditions and situations.

What to do?

Bed bugs may be active all the time; that’s why you should be particularly careful about taking precautions which will save you from an infestation. Unfortunately, there isn’t any guarantee for not finding bed bugs even in the most expensive or the most average hotels. Whether it’s when you are traveling and you are staying in a hotel or at a home stay, let me remind you to sneak in and check the bed frame, boxspring, and mattresses for signs of bedbugs. Bed bugs emerge in hours of deep darkness and keeping your bed in the line of sight during the daylight is necessary or else they will hide in such small crevices when you move slowly during the inspection. By these signs, you will find live insects, blood stains, or the tiny droppings within the size of a speck in the room’s bedding – all of these represent the room has bed bugs on it. If you ever happen to find out which room of the hotel has bed bugs you ought to tell the administration so they could follow the protocol.

If you don’t find packages that look like bed bugs after arriving home from a trip put all your clothes to a hot wash. In addition to sweeping your luggage, it is also advised to take your stuff for vacuuming. Both these steps have hardly any time requirement but your chance of clearing away a new infestation will be reduced drastically.

Bed Bug Treatment Options

DIY solutions, such as over-the-counter bed bug treatment, may look really great, however, they can have dire consequences on your back welfare. They are easy to find at home improvement shops, and even many grocery stores and some pharmacies have them in stock! They would be less efficient, as the pest control company received pesticides from the industry. While these are some very effective ways to block wearable live bed bugs, they will not get to the eggs in the nest. You may, believe that the bedbugs are gone, but, attimes, you may find them again within a week or a month.

Professional Bed Bug Control

Death of the bedbug population can be achieved with two methods of application; fumigation treatment and concentrated heating. The choice for the scope of work is connected to the professional service of exterminators. Pest Control experts may as well inspect your home before treatment of the bed bugs at no cost and identify what approach will serve you best given the unique case.